A.1. Release 1.1.1

Release date: 2006/01/23

This is an important Bugfix release, upgrade is highly recommended. Previous version contained a bug in postgis_restore.pl preventing hard upgrade procedure to complete and a bug in GEOS-2.2+ connector preventing GeometryCollection objects to be used in topological operations.

 Table des matières

A.1.1. Upgrading
A.1.2. Bug fixes
A.1.3. New functionalities

A.1.1. Upgrading

If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the soft upgrade procedure.
If you are upgrading from a release between 1.0.0RC6 and 1.0.2 (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read the upgrade section of the 1.0.3 release notes chapter.
Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an hard upgrade.

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A.1.2. Bug fixes

Fixed a premature exit in postgis_restore.pl
BUGFIX in geometrycollection handling of GEOS-CAPI connector
Solaris 2.7 and MingW support improvements
BUGFIX in line_locate_point()
Fixed handling of postgresql paths
BUGFIX in line_substring()
Added support for localized cluster in regress tester

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A.1.3. New functionalities

New Z and M interpolation in line_substring()
New Z and M interpolation in line_interpolate_point()
added NumInteriorRing() alias due to OpenGIS ambiguity

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